Third Party Encryption Software Mac

So, in case you happen to delete the important file or folder and it became corrupt due to any reason, here is this article that will provide all the possible solutions ranging from the Mac built-in tools to a third party data recovery software to encrypt and decrypt the file/folder and then to recover it. Allowing Third Party Applications to Install on a MacBook Some applications are not signed by Apple and will not be able to be installed. If you trust the application and know you want to install it, follow these steps to allow third party apps to install. Veracrypt is the best encryption tool with maximum positive reviews. We can correctly say it as a TrueCrypt and BitLocker alternative. It is available on Windows, Linux, and Mac. It is developed by an IT security firm of French – IDRIX.

The answer to this question will depend upon your computer's model and your operating system. Refer to the chart below to see what form of full disk encryption you will be using. There are third party software products that provide full disk encryption on multiple platforms, however those tools are not being supported by the university. Store and share sensitive files securely with the latest in encryption software. View All mac Software. Popular in ios Encryption Software View All. Signal - Private Messenger. Jan 29, 2020  CertainSafe is highly effective cloud-based encryption software which attempts to mitigate all aspects of risk and is compliant with industry.

Hey, we’re glad you’re with us!

We are Clario. We believe in everyone's right to online privacy, security, and identity and do our best to help you stay protected.

We hope this article makes your digital world a little simpler, safer, and more accessible. Let's go together.

Today a huge proportion of our lives are lived online.

From Internet banking to instant messaging, watching YouTube content and liking social media posts, we send and receive gigabytes of information everyday via the internet. But, despite all the amazing opportunities it’s created, the online world has proved to be a hostile place.

Hackers break into databases and expose sensitive information, big companies collect too much of our personal data and abuse it, secret services spy on our conversations. To make the most of online, we need strong protection for our privacy. And here’s the answer to the digital dystopia: encryption.

What is encryption and why it is so important

Encryption is a way to protect personal information so that it cannot be easily read. To better understand, we can compare your data to treasure and encryption to a safe you would put it in - to protect it from thieves or scammers. Only you and those you trust have the keys to this safe.

Why you might need to encrypt your files

While a lot of confidential information goes online or - at least has a digital duplicate on your computer for your convenience, there’s always a risk this information could be exposed in a data breach or by a hacker. If somebody steals your data, it’s easy to use for whatever they want.

But when encrypted data gets stolen, it is useless for a cybercriminal unless they find a way to decrypt it. Overall, encryption adds an extra layer of protection to any sensitive data. So if you store any on a computer, then encryption is a good idea - better safe than sorry.

Types of encryption software

We’ll talk about the most common types of encryption apps that will be useful for everyone, regardless of their job or level of tech expertise.


Files, folders and disk encryption software

These kinds of apps are used to encrypt your computer’s files or folders. The Mac Operating System (macOS) also allows you to encrypt its whole file system with its inbuilt encryption tool FileVault. If a Mac with the FileVault encryption gets stolen, the information stored on the disk will be inaccessible. Taking out the disk won’t expose it either as nobody will be able to bypass the FileVault encryption.

Why you might need to encrypt your files?

If you run a business and there is a lot of confidential information on your computer, you wouldn’t want to lose this data or share it with anybody who can log in.

In this case, encryption is the best way to protect your data from unsolicited access. You can encrypt any files or folders: from text documents to photos, videos and audio files. It applies to anything you would only like others to see after they’ve asked for permission.

Encryption can also serve for more prosaic purposes. Let’s say, you keep a digital diary and you want it to be private: that’s where encryption comes into play. Encrypt the file or app and only you will have access to it.

The best disk encryption software should:

  • have a user-friendly design
  • have clear privacy policy and mode of operation
  • use AES-256: the only method approved by the National Security Agency which is considered unhackable

Email encryption software

It is a good idea to encrypt your emails too. In the past, all emails were sent over the internet in plain text. You can compare this to sending an important document on a postcard: everybody can see what’s written on it.

Nowadays, most email providers use basic encryption for emails. In most cases, only the email provider can access content to filter emails for spam or phishing. Sometimes the harvested information is used for ad targeting.

For advanced encryption, you may want to use third-party clients. This offers end-to-end encryption so emails are encrypted from the moment of sending to the moment of opening. However, such software may not work in every scenario: to ensure proper encryption, both sender and recipient need to use the same app or service.

Passwords encryption software

Okay, we can encrypt the files on your computer and your emails. But is it possible to encrypt your passwords too? The good news is yes!

Password managers are your best bet if you have many online accounts all storing your sensitive information. These apps were designed to spare you the exhausting routine of writing passwords on a piece of paper and storing them in the safest place you could find.

The best password manager should:

  • sync across computers and gadgets, so that you don’t need to remember passwords for mobile versions of apps or websites
  • warn you about weak or repeated passwords
  • encrypt your passwords and store them in a safe place

Internet connection encryption software

Wait, what? Encrypt the Internet? Exactly. While the Internet is not a file, folder, nor a password or account, you can still protect your connection using a VPN - virtual private network.

How does a VPN work? While connected to a VPN, your information has an additional level of protection. VPN technology is based on the concept of tunnelling. This is a process where data is securely transported from one device or network to another without compromising privacy. It employs data encapsulation and encryption to safely carry this information.

Using VPN is especially important if you connect to open Wi-Fi hotspots. With a VPN, your information can travel securely even via an unprotected Wi-Fi.

In addition, VPN changes your location: if you select, say, a Spanish server, it will look like you are browsing from Spain, so you will see Spanish versions of websites. A nice bonus of the VPN is that you can access services unavailable in your country.

All-in-all, the best VPN should:

  • offer a fast connection and a considerable list of servers to choose from
  • include your important locations
  • be user-friendly

* * *

We hope our guide on encryption software will help you enjoy your digital life without fear of your information being stolen or misused. Now you know more on how to stay safe online, dig deeper into what we call “The Internet of Us”.

Meanwhile, at Clario we’re hard at work on creating a first-class tech solution for your digital safety, combined with expert human support on call 24/7. We’re eager to help and support you, so stay tuned for more updates!

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5 1 like 15,325 views Last modified Dec 1, 2015 6:34 AM

Lots of users save confidential information on their Macs. Private data needs to be protected and secured to prevent unwanted access and identity theft. Fortunately, Mac users have lot of possible encryption options nowadays (built in Mac OS tools and 3rd party encryption apps as well).

Built Mac OS Disk Utility tool allows to protect your private files and create encrypted folder disk image. If user does not want to ecrypt the entire disk and enable filevault protection he/she may encrypt certain folder on the hard drive.

1. Open Disk Utility tool. In order to do this just click on Finder icon and select Go menu at the top. Choose Utilities from the drop down menu. In utilities folder look for Disk Utility icon (you can also press command + shift+ U and open Disk Utility in utilities folder).

2. Once you’ll open Disk Utility click on “File” menu at the top. Choose “New ” and select “Image from folder”

3. Select the folder you want to encrypt(in my case it is thunderzzz secret folder ) or create the new folder and add data containing confidential info there. Click on “Image”.

4. Type the name for encrypted disk image(in my case I call it “Encrypted disk image”) and select 128 or 256-bit encryption option. Click on “Save”.

5. Set up the password for encrypted image. Note: Save this password somewhere or write it down. In case you forget it you loose the access to all encrypted files inside the folder. This is probably the only drawback of this encryption option.

Third Party Encryption Software Windows 10

Next time you open this image double click on it. You’ll be prompted to type the password. Your files inside this disk image are protected.

There is also vast choice of third party encryption tools on the market. I have tested some of them on random basis.

Encryption Buddy

This tiny app allows user to protect and encrypt any type of files. Drag and drop the files you want to encrypt or protect with password to the application window. Create a password and click “Encrypt My Files”. It takes some time. In order to decrypt this file you should do almost the same. Easy as a pie. This app is available on the AppStore. You may find more info on developer’s website:


Encryption For Mac

Encrypts and protects with password files, folders, applications and their associated files. It uses AES 128 or 256 bit encryption standard (you may use the same via Disk Utility ) There is no way to see encrypted files without MacFort app. If Mac is lost o stolen your private files remain protected. More info here:


Despite the controversial reputation of this application on this forum, I have decided to test their built-in encryptor option and it worked pretty well for me. “Data Encryptor” makes encrypted files invisible. It enables two level security mechanism. Internal password to Data Encryptor itself and the password to the encrypted item. More info here:


The simplest text editor/viewer. Open the text editor. Paste or type sensitive info there. Click on the lock and the data is encrypted. Application uses the same 256 bit AES encryption standard. Application is compaible with Mac OS and iOS as well. Available on the App Store. More info here:

Third Party Encryption Software Mac Free


Cross platform application for Windows and Mac computers. Allows to share encrypted files with friends and send them via e-mail. You can also encrypt the file and and set up the hint. Hint is useful in case you forget the password. More info here:

Best Encryption Software

It is up to you to decide whether use 3rd party encryption apps or perfect Disk Utility. In my opinion, Disk Utility is all you need. 3rd party apps are good for novice users, however they use the same AES 256-bit standard available via Disk Utility. You should set up the strong and easy to remember password. Good option is to write down password hints somewhere. Remember: In case you forget the password, you no longer have the access to the items inside the encrypted folder.

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