Smith Chart Software For Mac

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  1. Smith Chart Program
  2. Smith Chart Software For Windows 7
  • VHF/UHF Yagi Antenna Design
    Design your vhf yagi antenna online, a JavaScript enhanced web page that implements the design of an antenna in the VHF, UHF by K7MEM
  • Quad calculator
    Cubical quad antenna calculator in java script let you calculate elements size and spacing in inch and meters.
  • J Pole calculator
    Enter the operating frequency and calculate dimensions of your jpole antenna
  • NEC-Win Pro
    Antenna Analysis software with the user in mind.
  • 4NEC2 antenna modeler
    4nec2 is a completely free Nec2, Nec4 and windows based tool for creating, viewing, optimizing and checking 2D and 3D style antenna geometry structures and generate, display and/or compare near/far-field radiation patterns for both the starting and experienced antenna modeler.Can be interfaced to HFwin32 propagation prediction software.
  • EZNEC Antenna analysis
    NEC-2 based antenna analysis software for the amateur and professional
  • HamCalc v1.3
    HamCalc is a free collection of calculators for radio amateurs include Antenna ERP calculations,Attenuators, Audio Filter design, Coil Winding,Decibels, Great Circles map and calculator, HF Filters, HF Traps, Metric conversions OP AmpsQRA Locator to Latitude/Longitude, Radio Horizon calculator, Resonance Satellite orbit calculator Timer calculations (555 timer)Zener Diode calculations Download zip By G4VWL
  • Yagi Designer
    Program that produces antenna radiation patterns and graphs for SWR, forward gain, and F/B ratios
  • EM Scientific MININEC
    MININEC for Windows is antenna modeling tool for the novice, student and hobbyist.
  • EH Antenna calculator
    Calculate eh antenna components dimension with this online form
  • Design and build helix antennas
    An on-line javascript calculator and quite a few pictures to show how to make a helix antenna.
  • Discone Antenna Design
    Discone antenna deisgn program by K5DKZ
  • Coax Dipole Calculator
    An efficient program to calculate dimensions of coax dipoles, or bazooka antennas considering velocity length of different coax cables. Express dimensions in feet/inch and meters/cm. Freeware by VE3SQB
  • ASAP
    Antenna Scatterers Analysis Program, is a Free general purpose antenna analysis software program for numerical electromagnetic antenna design, modeling and analysis. Source code and windows executables are available to download.
  • Ve3sqb Antenna Programs
    Programs for common antennas and some experimental, includes, dipoles, quad, Yagi, verticals, discone, jpole skyhoppers and parabolic antennas
  • YagiCAD - Antenna modelling examples
    A freeware software package for Yagi design. This webpage also contains many sample and standard antenna downloads for experimentation.
  • 4NEC2 antenna modelerpop- 4nec2 is a completely free Nec2, Nec4 and windows based tool for creating, viewing, optimizing and checking 2D and 3D style antenna geometry structures and generate, display and/or compare near/far-field radiation patterns for both the starting and experienced antenna modeler.Can be interfaced to HFwin32 propagation prediction software.
  • AA3RL Transmission Line Calculator- Excel spreasheet that calculate virtually every transmission line parameter that one may need.Include Length conversions, Reactance and Length of Stubs
    [ Hits: 5095 | Votes: 15 | Rating: 6.67 ]
  • AC6LA MoxGen- MoxGen will show you the dimensions and generate an antenna model file for a 50 ohm Moxon Rectangle antenna, given the design frequency and wire size
  • AEA - Wireless software- AEA Wireless Director Software Series turns PC's (running Windows 95/98/2000/ME or NT) into powerful tools that expand the use and power of SWR, Return Loss and Complex Impedance Analyzers.
    [ Hits: 2628 | Votes: 6 | Rating: 5 ]
  • Antenna Calculation Software - The program consists of tabbed pages for various antenna and transmission line calculation. You can compute the values for an inverted L network that will allow you to match the 50 ohm output of the radio, or you can compute the necessary length in the units of choice for a 5/8 wave vertical for 10 meter band.
  • Antenna Log Periodic Design- Log periodic antenna design excel sheet file download, in italian.
    [ Hits: 4779 | Votes: 9 | Rating: 8 ]
  • Antenna Solver- provides much greater flexibility in the construction, analysis, and interpretation of radiating structures using a rewritten NEC module.
  • ASAP- Antenna Scatterers Analysis Program, is a Free general purpose antenna analysis software program for numerical electromagnetic antenna design, modeling and analysis. Source code and windows executables are available to download.
    [ Hits: 14258 | Votes: 7 | Rating: 6.15 ]
  • AutoEZ- Automated use of EZNEC. AutoEZ is an Excel application that works in conjunction with the EZNEC antenna modeling programs and allows you to use variables to control diverse aspects of the model. You can then run multiple EZNEC test cases while AutoEZ automatically changes one or more variables between runs. Commercial version and free demo available for download.
  • Balun_cmr Calculate common-mode impedance- This EXCEL Program Worksheet calculates the common-mode impedance of a 1:1 Guanella (current) balun which is placed at the feed point of a balanced antenna system fed via coax.
    [ Hits: 185 | Votes: 1 | Rating: 10 ]
  • Cantenna Calculator- A circular waveguide calculator for designing cantennas include source code and windows executable by lincomatic
  • Coax Cable loss and SWR calculator- This small window application will calculate Coax Cable loss from SWR and SWR from Cable Loss
    [ Hits: 6905 | Votes: 60 | Rating: 3.43 ]
  • Coax Dipole Calculator- An efficient program to calculate dimensions of coax dipoles, or bazooka antennas considering velocity length of different coax cables. Express dimensions in feet/inch and meters/cm. Freeware by VE3SQB
  • CoaxTrap- This program let you design of antenna trap using length of coaxial line wound as solenoid on a coil former.
    [ Hits: 5337 | Votes: 9 | Rating: 3.78 ]
  • cocoaNEC- cocoaNEC 2.0 is an opensource Mac OS X application intended primarily for the design and modeling of antennas by Kok Chen, W7AY
  • Design and build helix antennas- An on-line javascript calculator and quite a few pictures to show how to make a helix antenna.
    [ Hits: 17503 | Votes: 395 | Rating: 8.48 ]
  • Discone Antenna Designupdated- Discone antenna deisgn program by K5DKZ
  • DL6WU Long boom Yagi design tools- This is an Excel spreadsheet template to design DL6WU Yagi antennas
    [ Hits: 1822 | Votes: 22 | Rating: 7.27 ]
  • EH Antenna calculator- Calculate eh antenna components dimension with this online form
  • EM Scientific MININEC- MININEC for Windows is antenna modeling tool for the novice, student and hobbyist.
    [ Hits: 20292 | Votes: 27 | Rating: 5.22 ]
  • ERP Calculator Plus- ERP Calculator is an Amateur Radio software utility designed to perform a side-by-side comparison of two Ham Radio antenna systems. ERP Calculator comes pre-programmed with data files including published data for several popular brands and types of coax cable as well as several popular antenna system brands and models. ERP Calculator displays values of ERP, Antenna Power Gain, Antenna Feed point Power, Antenna System Gain in dB, Antenna Gain in dBd, SWR Attenuation in dB, SWR Power Attenuation, Coax Loss in dB, and Coax Power Loss
  • ERP Estimator- Calculate online, ERP in dB and dBi given PWR Frequency Coax lenght and type and antenna type
    [ Hits: 1595 | Votes: 5 | Rating: 3.8 ]
  • EZNEC Antenna analysispop- NEC-2 based antenna analysis software for the amateur and professional
  • GAL-ANA- GAL-ANA is an Antenna-Analyzing Tool software, based on NEC2/MININEC3m engines currently available in demo mode for download
    [ Hits: 657 | Votes: 3 | Rating: 3 ]
  • GuyMast- Software for analysis of guyed and self-supporting towers & poles
  • HamCalc v1.3pop- HamCalc is a free collection of calculators for radio amateurs include Antenna ERP calculations,Attenuators, Audio Filter design, Coil Winding,Decibels, Great Circles map and calculator, HF Filters, HF Traps, Metric conversions OP AmpsQRA Locator to Latitude/Longitude, Radio Horizon calculator, Resonance Satellite orbit calculator Timer calculations (555 timer)Zener Diode calculations Download zip By G4VWL
    [ Hits: 26949 | Votes: 103 | Rating: 5.42 ]
  • Helix Calc- Helix antenna calculator, to design and make helix antenna plans
  • HF Beam Calculator- A javascipt online calculator for 2 and 3 element beam antennas.Just input frequency and will diplay element dimensions and spacing. Measurements in Feet and Meters by G4VWL
    [ Hits: 3305 | Votes: 27 | Rating: 5.45 ]
  • ICNIRPcalc- ICNIRPcalc allows you to calculate safety distances for many know amateur radio antennas with respect to ICNIRP limits by DL9KCE
  • Integrated Engineering Software- Electromagnetic CAE simulation software for modeling and analysis. RF, Microwave & Antennas
    [ Hits: 1581 | Votes: 4 | Rating: 8.75 ]
  • J Pole calculatorpop- Enter the operating frequency and calculate dimensions of your jpole antenna
  • JavaScript Electronic Notebook, K7MEM- It consists of a group of JavaScript driven web pages that are intended for use as a quick reference for Ham Radio operators or just anyone interested in electronics. Offer calculators for Resistors, capacitors, inductors, power supplies, filters, attenuators and antennas
    [ Hits: 3037 | Votes: 16 | Rating: 7.62 ]
  • Levy- This simple antenna modelling windows software by F5IMV wil calculate a dipole,extended double Zepp,G5RV, ZS6BKW and many other wire antennas by F5IMV
  • linSmith - Smith chart utlity- A Smith charting program. You can enter either discrete components or transmission lines, see the results on screen and/or generate Postscript output. Component values can be changed numerically or using scrollbars.
    [ Hits: 1256 | Votes: 1 | Rating: 10 ]
  • Magnetic Loop Antenna Calculator- Free windows program to calculate magnetic loop antenna.This small loop antenna calculator allow to determine capacitance and voltage based on Loop circumference, desired resonant frequency, conductor diameter and the operating power
  • Magnetic Loop Designer- Windows Magnetic Loop antenna design software by DG0KW in Detusch
    [ Hits: 863 | Votes: 4 | Rating: 6.5 ]
  • Magnetic Loop Excel sheet- A magnetic loop antenna calculator made with an excel sheet that run also with open office, let you design mag loop antenna dimensions by AA5TB
  • Meter Mate - SWR Graph Software- Meter Mate is a companion utility for your directional watt meter that allows you to calculate the SWR reading when the forward and reflected power readings are measured. In addition to calculating the antenna system SWR Meter Mate will also plot the SWR curves of all of your antennas onto graphs that may be printed out.
    [ Hits: 1802 | Votes: 11 | Rating: 5.26 ]
  • MeterMate- SWR Graphing Software for Amateur Radio by KD4UDY, shareware
  • MMANA-GAL Download- MM Antenna Analyzer by JE3HHT Makoto Moribased on the moment method, which was introduced in MININEC. Download MMANA Free from this page that offer download of basic version and link to the MMANA pro version.
    [ Hits: 5702 | Votes: 59 | Rating: 7.25 ]
  • NanoVNA Saver - This software connects to a NanoVNA and extracts the data for display on a computer, and for saving to Touchstone files.
  • NanoVNA-H 900 MHz Upgrade- NanoVNA based on edy555, use the odd harmonic extension of si5351 to support the measurement frequency up to 900MHz. GitHub repository.
    [ Hits: 93 | Votes: 0 | Rating: 0 ]
  • NEC-2 for MMANA- The utility 'NEC-2 for MMANA' is intended for calculation of antenna models made and optimized in program MMANA and for construction and simulation of antenna models using input language NEC-2 and based on MMANA models.
  • NEC-Win Propop- Antenna Analysis software with the user in mind.
    [ Hits: 31186 | Votes: 62 | Rating: 5.63 ]
  • Nec2Go- Powerful antenna modeling tool using NEC 2 computing engine. Nec2 specifically provide users, either those experienced with the Nec2 processes, or for those who are neophytes but want to model their own antennas.Nec2Go uses a simplified process for defining the antenna structure and then providing view of the structure, plots (2D and 3D) and other significant data that is pertinent to the design.This simplified process uses an edit file with equations for all definitions.
  • NEC4WIN- NEC4WIN is a 32 bits commercial antenna simulation software based on MININEC3 developed by the Naval Ocean Systems Center in the 70s and 80s. It runs under Windows and can be used to simulate, analyze and optimize wire antennas, beams, verticals, etc.NEC4WIN has limitations. They are the same as Mininec3 on which the engine is based.
    [ Hits: 1717 | Votes: 2 | Rating: 7 ]
  • PI-EL- The Windows program for designing and analyzing PI and PI-L networks by Tonne Software
  • PolarPlot- Freeware antenna software that lets you see what the polar diagram of your rotatable beam actually looks like where it is operating.With PolarPlot you can measure the polar diagram of the antenna and check for abnormalities - compare plots taken before and after changes to the design or location - check the -3dB beamwidth - look at the front to back ratio - see the size and position of the sidelobes.
    [ Hits: 5872 | Votes: 10 | Rating: 5.59 ]
  • QAntenna- Freeware antenna analyzer for linux
  • Quad calculatorpop- Cubical quad antenna calculator in java script let you calculate elements size and spacing in inch and meters.
    [ Hits: 61808 | Votes: 447 | Rating: 6.86 ]
  • Quagi Designer- Quagi antenna design, this little windows application let you calculate dimensions of elements and spacing of a quagi antenna. Freeware by VE3SQB
  • RF Toolbox- A MacOSX antenna design and electronics/electrical tool package. It is a multipourpose application that allow antenna design and comomn calculations
    [ Hits: 556 | Votes: 0 | Rating: 0 ]
  • S Meter Lite Software- S Meter Lite is a no-cost program that displays your receiver's S Meter signal strength in a window by W8WWV
  • SARK-100 Pc Scan- A windows program that scans the SARK-100 and plot the SWR Vs frequency. The data can also be stored as an Excel file. The min and max match frequency is calculated. Donationware
    [ Hits: 1507 | Votes: 2 | Rating: 9 ]
  • Small Loop Antenna Calculator by KY8D- A free Labview antenna calculator program. This interesting calculator for small loop antennas can be ran on most recent Windows versions using the Labview runtime.
  • SMCHR smit charts- The Smith Chart program with its extensive Help files. Written in Visual C++ ver 1.5, it runs in Windows 3.1 and later by w9dmk
    [ Hits: 996 | Votes: 2 | Rating: 2 ]
  • Smith chart- Match & display imped of antennas, can graphically visualize and compare two sets of measured impedances simultaneously.
  • Smith Chart Software- SimSmith is a highly interactive, real time Smith chart graphing program. Circuits are constructed using drag-n-drop. Load files can be imported from the EZNEC and CocoaNEC antenna simulation software and from the AIM4170 and miniVNApro antenna analyzers. Circuits and load files can be of any size.Key Features: SimSmith is one of the few Smith chart packages which models transmission line losses. SimSmith also allows the description of circuit elements using algebraic equations. SimSmith has only one screen and allows the screen to be resized to increase workspace or readability.
    [ Hits: 1437 | Votes: 5 | Rating: 5.8 ]
  • Smith V3.10- Smith is a professional Computer Smith-Chart Tool and S-Parameter Plot for windows, special price for hams and students by Fritz Dellsperger
  • SWR Calculator- Computes the Standing Wave Ratio, given the power readings on a line.
    [ Hits: 1928 | Votes: 16 | Rating: 5 ]
  • TLDetails- Transmission Line Details. This utility program shows the impedance and SWR at both ends of a transmission line and the details of power loss in the line. It includes characteristics for over 40 built-in line types. You can modify these values to see how small changes affect the results or to specify custom lines. All program inputs may be changed directly or you can use spin buttons to make the changes. If you are using a moderately fast computer you can hold down a spinner and 'watch the movie' on the charts as the results are recomputed. By AC6LA
  • TLE for windows- Transmission Line equations for Windows. Written in Visual C++. This program provides the most comprehensive analysis of a transmission line by w9dmk
    [ Hits: 1005 | Votes: 1 | Rating: 5 ]
  • Tower- Windows program for analyzing vertical antennas. This program shows the resistance and reactance to be expected looking into a cylindrical metallic tower over a perfect ground. It gives a useful approximation of the values to be expected in a real-world situation.
  • Transmission line calculator- A transmission line caculator Java applet that can be run on your computer or by using your web browser. This calclucator can also be run on your PC by following instruction and download link.
    [ Hits: 629 | Votes: 4 | Rating: 3 ]
  • TrapDip- This program let you design and performance of 2-band trapped dipole antennas including trap design.
  • Ve3sqb Antenna Programs- Programs for common antennas and some experimental, includes, dipoles, quad, Yagi, verticals, discone, jpole skyhoppers and parabolic antennas
    [ Hits: 12232 | Votes: 53 | Rating: 7.66 ]
  • VE6YP CoaxTrap- The Coax trap program computes design parameters for the construction of coaxial traps for HF usage. Typically these are constructed from PVC tube and RG58/59 coax
  • VHF/UHF Yagi Antenna Designpop- Design your vhf yagi antenna online, a JavaScript enhanced web page that implements the design of an antenna in the VHF, UHF by K7MEM
    [ Hits: 145257 | Votes: 983 | Rating: 5.87 ]
  • WASP-NET- Complex CAD and Optimization Software for Waveguide, Coax, Combline and Antenna components design and antenna modelling
  • Yagi Calculator- Yagi Calculator is a Windows program that also runs well on Linux, Ubuntu 8.10 under Wine, to produce dimensions for a DL6WU style long Yagi antenna. Long yagis are commonly used from the 144MHz amateur band to the 2.4GHz band.
    [ Hits: 1937 | Votes: 28 | Rating: 6.28 ]
  • Yagi Designer- Program that produces antenna radiation patterns and graphs for SWR, forward gain, and F/B ratios
  • Yagi Modeler Applet- This java applet/application implements a simple yagi modeling code. The initial input is a really trivial 2 elmenent yagi.
    [ Hits: 2795 | Votes: 28 | Rating: 5.93 ]
  • Yagi Optimizer- YO Yagi Optimizer by K6STI is an old MSDOS based antenna modelling software that has been very popular among ham radio community. YO.exe is still today used to optimize Yagi Antennas.
  • Yagi Sterss- A full featured, graphical, user friendly program that performs structural analysis on horizontally polarized yagi antennas constructed from round tubing. YS can work in Imperial or Metric Units, and is likely to tell you more about a yagi antenna than you ever thought you needed to know. YS has been used by commercial manufacturers and premier station builders for over a decade by Kurt Andress, NI6W
    [ Hits: 5770 | Votes: 1 | Rating: 7 ]
  • Yagi-logper- Yagi-logper is a linux GPL program to model a Yagi or Log-periodic antennas with horizontal cylindrical dipoles.
  • YagiCAD- A freeware windows antenna design and modelling software developed by an amateur radio operators primarily intended for VHF yagi aerials.
    [ Hits: 638 | Votes: 3 | Rating: 4.67 ]
  • YagiCAD - Antenna modelling examples- A freeware software package for Yagi design. This webpage also contains many sample and standard antenna downloads for experimentation.
  • YagiMax 311- A freeware dos antenna design program, dedicated to yagi antenna design by K4VX
    [ Hits: 4059 | Votes: 52 | Rating: 5.47 ]
  • Zplots - MS Excel document that allows you to plot SWR, resistance, reactance, impedance magnitude and angle and more from a variety of sources
  • Zplots - Impedance Plots with MS Excel Charts - Zplots is an Excel application that allows you to plot impedance and related data obtained from a variety of sources. You can plot on both an XY chart and a Smith chart as well as view the data in tabular format.The XY chart can be customized with your choice of trace lines. Frequency (in MHz) is always shown on the X axis.
    [ Hits: 159 | Votes: 0 | Rating: 0 ]
Smith Chart Software For Mac

MB Free Vedic Astrology Rashi Chart (North Indian Style) Software is a rashi chart or birth chart software based on Vedic Astrology. This program tells us in detail the accurate astronomical locations of planets at the time ofan individual's birth. The reason for this option is that there is a bug in the Java/Mac GUI code that inhibits menu items on the standard Mac menu bar from changing the visibility of their state. See the topic 'Note for Mac Users' in the 'Preferences' section of the ChordSmithHelp document for more details. Changes for version 4.6.

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  • Software

    • Online Smith Chart Tool. This free online interactive Smith chart tool is a calculator which can help you design matching networks and obtain maximum power transfer between your source and load. This tool is javascript so it works on Windows, Mac, IOS, Android. Or any device with a web browser. Operational Frequency.
    • Smith Chart is an automated Smith chart, which allows the RF and Microwave circuit designer to choose among several component elements to match an electronic load to a source for maximum power transfer. Features include: lumped element and transmission line matching elements point and click selection of each matching component value.
    ACARSADS-BAndroidAntenna analysis* Antenna rotor controlAPRSAudio RecordersAudio StreamingAwards trackingBeacon MonitoringBrowser extensionsCircuit DesignClip ArtCollectionsContestingD-STARDatabasesDecodersDigital SSTVDigital VoiceDRMDSPDX ClusterEMEFilter DesignFront Panel DesignGrid Bearing and MapsHam ExamHellschreiberInternet LinkingiPhoneJT65Legacy SystemsLinuxLog AnalysisLog ConvertersLoggingLow FrequencyMacintoshMorse Code DecodersMorse Code TrainingMultimodeNavtexNBEMSOliviaOscilloscopePacketPacket ClusterPIC ProgrammerPropagationPSK31QSLRadio ControlRadio ProgrammingRepeater ControlRF Coverage MappingRTTYSatellite trackingShortwaveSignal GeneratorSoftware Defined RadioSpectrum analyzersSSTVTimeUtilitiesVector Network AnalyzerVirtual Audio SoftwareVoice KeyerVoice toolsWeak SignalWeather and FAX

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