Mac Os X Change App Icon

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Mac Os X Change App Icon


The default Mac desktop gets boring after a while. If you want to keep things interesting, try changing the icons of your favorite apps, files, and folders. Here are the two most popular methods for changing icons on Mac.


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Jun 25, 2018  How to change icons on a Mac: Swapping the existing icons The first method to change the icon on a Mac is to swap the icon of an existing folder with some other folder. It is nothing but copying the folder of an icon in.icns format and then paste it to that folder which you want to change. Here is the step by step process. Jun 04, 2013  Switching icons from another icon is how to put to use the hidden Apple hardware icons in Mac OS X, and many of the free icon packs downloaded from the web from sites like Interface Lift.Typically those icon packs are collections of folders or empty files with an icon assigned to each file or folder in the container, making them very easy to copy and paste and use elsewhere. Jul 16, 2014  Step 1: Use Finder to navigate to the Applications folder of your Mac and select the application for which you want to change the icon. In this example, I’ll be exchanging the default iTunes icon for the one in the banner at the top of this article. On your Mac, copy the picture you want to use to the Clipboard. One way to do this is to open the picture in the Preview app, choose Edit Select All, then choose Edit Copy. Select the file or folder whose icon you want to replace, then choose File Get Info. At the top of the Info window, click the picture of the icon, then choose Edit Paste. Oct 29, 2014  Download and open LiteIcon → select category where is stored icon, which you want to change. Drag.icns file and drop it on the icon set you want to change. Click on Apply Changes button and LiteIcon will save the new icons to OS X - in our case Finder icon in Dock. Showcasing beautiful icon designs from the Mac App Store. MacOS Icon Gallery. IOS Icon Gallery; watchOS Icon Gallery; A printed book celebrating the art of iOS icon design. Official site at ← Prev Next → Page 1 of 13 Search; RSS Feed; JSON Feed; Twitter; About; App Icon Book; Designed, engineered.

Change App, File, and Folder Icons Using PNG Images

When it comes to icons of any sort, PNG, with its transparent background, is the most popular format out there. You can find any PNG icon online (as long as it’s square and high-resolution) and make it an icon for any app, file, or folder on your Mac. After you download the PNG icon, double-click the image to open it in the Preview app.

Jul 15, 2014  Great places to find replacement icons that are properly formatted include deviantART and the MacRumors forums. Download the image you’d like to use as your new icon and open it in Preview. With the image open and Preview the active application, press Command-C to copy the entire image.

Use the Command+A keyboard shortcut to select the entire asset, then use the Command+C shortcut to copy the PNG icon to the clipboard. Alternatively, you can go to the menu bar and choose the Edit > Copy option.

Macos Change App Icon

Next, navigate to the app, file, or folder where you want to change the icon. Right-click the item and choose the “Get Info” option.

This will open the information panel. You’ll find the icon in the top-left corner. All you have to do is click the image to select it. Then, use the Command+V keyboard shortcut to paste the PNG here.

The icon will be updated instantly.

You might want to take a backup of the original icon because there’s no simple way to restore the icon. To do this, select the icon from the Get Info panel and use the Command+C shortcut to copy it. Then, open the Preview app and use the Command+N keyboard shortcut to create a new document from the clipboard. You can also go to the menu bar and use the File > New From Clipboard option.

Now, all you have to do is give the PNG file a name and a destination.’

You can come back to it at any time to replace the icon.

Change App, File, and Folder Icons Using ICNS Images

Did you know that macOS has its own icon format? It’s called ICNS, and while it’s not widely supported, you’ll find many exquisitely designed Mac icons in the format. Many designers on DeviantArt offer Mac icons in an ICNS format. If you have an icon in an ICNS format, switching to it is as simple as a drag and drop. In this example, we’ll be using the Bondi macOS set by designer Vidit Bhargava. It’s a custom-designed icon inspired by the OS X Aqua design language from the years past.

First, download an icon you want to use and then open the folder with the ICNS icons. Then, navigate to the app, file, or folder where you want to change the icon, and right-click it. Here, choose the “Get Info” option.

Now, simply drag the ICNS icon from the folder to on top of the current icon in the Get Info panel.

Once you let go of your cursor, the icon will be updated.

That’s it. You can repeat the process to change the icon for as many apps, files, or folders as you want!

Tip solutie


Yes, my problem really is that simple. How the heck do I get my app to use the icon file or asset catalog?!

System info:
Xcode 6.1.1 (6A2008a)
app target OS X 10.10
OS X 10.10.1 (14B25)

This is my first OS X app but I have several years' experience developing iOS apps.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. open xcode, start an entirely new cocoa application project
  2. not sure this matters, but i specified my new project not to use storyboards or core data
  3. drag a .png file from my local directory into the project structure, and make sure (a) it ends up in the build target and (b) the file copies into the project's directory
  4. drag the png into the Images.xcassets catalog under any/all of the sizes classes for AppIcon.
  5. build and run

Expected: app in dock and tab-switcher has the new icon.
Actual: app in dock and tab-switcher has the default 'blank page with instruments A on it'

Ok, maybe that's a DEBUG thing.

  1. archive the project, show in finder

Expected: app in Finder has correct icon
Actual: nope. It should be noted however that Xcode's Organizer shows the correct icon, and there does exist a file Contents/Resources/AppIcon.icns. Contents/Info.plist specifies that the Icon File is 'AppIcon'.

grrr. Let's try without the asset catalog.

  1. in the target's General settings, under App Icon, select 'don't use asset catalogs'
  2. delete Images.xcassets
  3. In Info.plist, in the line for Icon File (CFBundleIconFile), specify the icon's name (in my case 'AppIcon'). The documentation clearly states that

    The system looks for the icon file in the main resources directory of the bundle.

    File extension is not required here.

  4. build & run. also archive, to save time later.

Expected: app icon in dock and tab-switcher is correct.
Actual: nope
Expected: archived app has correct icon.
Actual: nope, but the archived product did have the correct png file in Contents/Resources.

What am I missing?!

I've tried this with .png app icons and a regular .icns file (generated by xcode via an asset catalog). I've tried excluding and including the file extension in the Info.plist. Why is this so difficult?

Edit: Clean, Clean Build Folder and deleting the Derived Data folder did not help.

So I found the answer through the help of a commenter: I had to fill all of the xcassets/icns slots with images of the exact dimensions.

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Mac Os X Change App Icon Windows 10


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Just add this condition into displayHistory() method : if history.text '0' { history.text = historyLabel }else { history.text = historyLabel + history.text! } ...

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I'd try just giving the default cell your own identifier in Interface Builder... ...then just use that in conjunction with makeViewWithIdentifier:: func tableView(tableView: NSTableView, viewForTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row: Int) -> NSView? { var viewIdentifier = 'StandardTableCellView' if let column = tableColumn { switch column.identifier { case 'nameColumn': viewIdentifier = 'nameCellView'...

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Explicitly inserting a space should do it: send -t 1 vim space ~/Path/to/my/file enter or you can quote command arguments (I prefer this one): send -t 1 'vim ~/Path/to/my/file' 'enter' ...

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PFUser not unwrapped - swift


Mac Os X Change App Icon

Here is explanation: What is an 'unwrapped value' in Swift? PFFacebookUtils.logInWithPermissions(['public_profile', 'user_about_me', 'user_birthday'], block: { user, error in if user nil { println('the user canceled fb login') //add uialert return } //new user else if user!.isNew { println('user singed up through FB') //get information from fb then save to...

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I would expect it to work in the terminal, since what you're seeing here is likely not a bug in Swift or Cocoa Touch, but the side effects of a new feature in iOS 9 called App Transport Security. What this means is that by default, iOS will not permit...

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in your ClassA.m - (IBAction)button1:(UIButton *)sender{ path=[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@'filename' ofType:@'pdf']; [self performSegueWithIdentifier:@'yourIdentifierName' sender:self]; } - (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender { if([segue.identifier isEqualToString:@'yourIdentifierName']) { classB *clsB =segue.destinationViewController; clsB.typeofSelect=path; } } in your class B.h @property (nonatomic, weak) NSString *typeofSelect; in your Class B.m @synthesize typeofSelect;...

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As Martin says in his comment, timers have a resolution of 50-100 ms (0.02 to 0.1 seconds). Trying to run a timer with an interval shorter than that will not give reliable results. Also, timers are not realtime. They depend on the run loop they are attached to, and if...

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Objective C - bold and change string text size for drawing text onto pdf


Solved it by making a separate method as below (I used + since I have this inside an NSObject and is a class method rather than in a UIViewController): +(void)addText:(NSString*)text withFrame:(CGRect)frame withFont:(UIFont*)font; { [text drawInRect:frame withFont:font]; } Outside the method, declaring inputs and calling it: UIFont *font = [UIFont fontWithName:@Helvetica-Bold'...

Xcode UIWebView not changing page with changed URL


[self.webView reload] - will reload the current page. This is probably happening before the loadRequest has finished. Try removing this line. Also, @joern's comment is correct; the 'event' is the user making a pan gesture. Lose the timer....

Chance of a conditional occurring in Swift: Xcode


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change Auto Layout dynamically


Just give top, left , right, height and equal width constraints to all label.... ...

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